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Distance Learning - TUOLE (NEW course structure from August 2018)

New Engineering Distance Learning HNC programmes from 1 August 2018 with the new HND programmes following 12 months later.  These programmes have been created to align with the latest Pearson RQF HNC/D specifications so you can be confident that your qualifications will continue to be recognised by industry and academia alike.  For those of you familiar with the existing QCF programmes, the most significant change is that you will only study modules at Level 4 when on your HNC and then level 5 modules when you continue onto the HND.  You will also find that there are more core modules than there were before.  Transition arrangement between old and new format programmes have been developed for students who have completed relevant modules in the past.

click here to view the full course structure

Distance Learning - TUOLE (NEW course structure from August 2018)

Advanced Control Systems

Advanced Control Principles / 2017ODL-N



This unit introduces students to more advanced control theory and teaches them how to apply this knowledge to find solutions to a variety of engineering problems related to the design of control systems. An analytical rather than heuristic approach is taken, with particular focus on mathematical modelling of industrial processes and control systems in relation to the development of effective control strategies.
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Advanced Mechanical Principles

Advanced Mechanical Principles / 2016ODL-N



A mechanical engineer is required to have an advanced knowledge of most of the machinery used within the engineering industry, and should understand the physical laws that influence their operation. The aim of this unit is to provide students with advanced knowledge of the mechanical theories associated with engineering applications.
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Combinational and sequential logic

Analogue Electronics / 2015ODL-N



This module provides students with an understanding of analogue electronics topics including signals, noise, amplifiers, feedback and oscillators. It places particular emphasis on the use computer simulation and modern circuit analysis techniques and the use of manufacturers’ data.
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Analytical Instrumentation

Analytical Instrumentation / 1026ODL-N



You discuss modern techniques of detecting variables in industrial processes. These techniques ensure that the measurement, or sampled quantity, is representative of the measure. We provide you with an understanding of modern measurement principles and recognition of how these concepts are applied in the design of commercial instruments for the measurement of both analytical and chemical composition variables.
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Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics

Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics / 1024ODL-N



We provide you with the knowledge and understanding of fluid power systems in modern industry by
investigating pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, examining the characteristics of components and equipment, and evaluating the applications of pneumatics and hydraulics.
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Control Systems and Automation

Control Systems & Automation / 2013ODL-N



This module develops an understanding of basic mechanisms and performance measures used for the implementation and analysis of process control systems that apply across the engineering disciplines.
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Electrical and Electronic Principles

Electrical & Electronic Principles / 1011ODL-N



You learn the basics of electrical theory from first principles to the stage where you can solve complex circuits. You cover AC theory and the issues arising from this common type of electric power. Digital and analogue circuits will also be covered and the issues arising from each type of control. You begin with the basics of electricity and simple circuits, such as current, voltage and Kirchhoff’s Laws and describes different methods to solve more complex circuits. The sinusoidal AC circuit is introduced and the control of its waveform, including the use of phasors. The harmonics of output are considered and the use of filters to control the outputs is introduced. We provide the tools and knowledge to analyse and solve complex electrical circuits. Electronics is introduced with simple descriptions of fundamental electronic devices, such as diodes and transistors. It covers analogue circuits, especially the amplifier and goes on to use logic gates to create simple logical functions.
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Electrical Machines

Electrical Machines / 1025ODL-N



You develop an understanding of the operation of electric machines, recognizing that it is fundamental to electrical engineering as it covers the operation of an electric motor, machines to generate electricity and transformers. The control of a machine using both input power and mechanical design is covered including the use of equivalent circuit, ubiquitous in control theory. We introduce you to the DC and AC machines, synchronous and induction motors, along with generators and transformers as the characteristics are similar.
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Electrical Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems / 2011ODL-N



This module develops the principles and practice involved in the design of high and low voltage supply, transmission and distribution systems. It shows how to analyse such systems and how to control power quality for such systems. The roles of generators, transformers, and control devices in electrical supply systems are investigated.

It analyses electrical supply systems with a view to selecting and coordinating system protection equipment. It shows how to analyse and resolve simple power systems into one-line impedance circuits and evaluate fault levels. It examines the role of current transformers and protection relays in electrical system protection according to the IEE wiring regulations, to typical industrial electrical installations.
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Engineering Design

Engineering Design / 1018ODL-N



We help you to understand the process of carrying out a design project, enabling you to recognise that design involves harmonising key parameters and blending them into the design solution, and to produce a design report. Each stage of the design process will be introduced, using a client brief, planning, design specification, design report and evaluation.
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Engineering Maths

Engineering Maths / 1017ODL-N



We help you develop the fundamental analytical knowledge and techniques needed to successfully complete the core modules of Higher National Engineering programmes. We provide you with the knowledge needed for the study of the analytical methods and mathematics you will exploit in your other HNC/D modules. You explore the fundamental algebra, trigonometry, calculus, probability and statistics used in the analysis, modelling and solution of realistic engineering problems. On the HNC programme this is your first module.
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Engineering Science

Engineering Science / 1016ODL-N



We introduce you to the fundamental laws and applications of the physical sciences within engineering and how to apply this knowledge to find solutions to a variety of engineering problems. You explore international system of units, interpreting data, static and dynamic forces, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, material properties and failure, and A.C./D.C. circuit theories. On the HNC programme this is your second module.
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Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics / 1015ODL-N



You learn to apply the principles of fluid mechanics and the techniques used to predict the behaviour of fluids in engineering applications. You look at the forces exerted by a static fluid on immersed surfaces, viscosity, the flow of fluids through pipelines and around bluff bodies and examines hydraulic machines.
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Foundation Mathematics for Engineers

Foundation Mathematics for Engineering - COL0001N-OL



The module develops mathematical skills and techniques that are necessary to embark on the first year of an Engineering Programme in Higher Education. It can bridge to the first year of either an undergraduate or HNC/HND course in engineering for students whose background in mathematics does not extend beyond GCSE level.

The module consolidates and reinforces basic skills and is intended to give students a grounding in the core areas of mathematics needed to successfully study engineering to undergraduate or HNC/HND level. Topics include algebraic manipulation, functions, circular measure, trigonometry, and elementary calculus.

Students will be provided with a learning pack where core subjects are presented in sequenced lessons that include self assessment questions with solutions to aid developmental learning. Module assessment comprises a formative element and a summative element. The formative assessment is a series of self assessment questions and answers at the end of each lesson. Feedback is also given to the students through email or by telephone. The summative assessment involves a single in course assessment comprising four elements each involving a series of short answer questions.
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Foundation Process Chemistry / COL0003-N

Foundation Process Chemistry / COL0003-N



Process Chemistry module
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Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics & Heat Engines / 1014ODL-N



The majority of the engines used in the world today to generate power or to provide transportation are either gas turbines, steam systems or internal combustion engines, all of which use thermodynamic processes to generate the power required. We introduce you to the principles and laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer and then shows how they can be applied to engineering systems. You explore system definition, the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and the application of the non-flow and steady flow energy equations using the ideal gas equations and steam tables. You learn about the different mechanisms of heat transfer and looks at the performance of heat exchangers before concluding with an investigation of heat engine cycles, principally those used in the internal combustion engines.
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Engineering Maths

Further Maths / 2010ODL-N



This modules aims to introduce the concepts necessary for the successful analysis of engineering problems and apply numerical methods relevant to solving advanced mathematical problems arising from engineering and technology.
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Heat transfer and combustion

Heat Transfer & Combustion / 1013ODL-N



We help you to develop your knowledge of the principles of heat transfer and combustion and the associated empirical relationships, enabling you to solve practical problems and be able to produce a specification for practical engineering equipment.
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Instrumentation and Control

Instrumentation and Control Principles / 1012ODL-N



You focus on the principles of instrumentation and control engineering and how to apply this knowledge to find solutions to a variety of engineering problems related to process measurement and control systems.
You also explore sensors and transducers, signal transmission, condition and conversion, control systems, process loop tuning, valves and actuators, control valve selection and sizing.
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Managing a Professional Engineering Project / 1009ODL-N



We introduce you to the approach required to identify the best solution to a specified engineering need. You learn about some of the core tools and methodologies available to engineers to maximise their chances of bringing an engineering project to a successful conclusion; meeting the specification, on cost, on time and performed in an ecologically and ethically sound manner. We help you achieve this by guiding you through the management activities needed to deliver a major engineering project without any requirement for you to consider the details of the design solution itself; the analysis you undertake in this module will relate to the management of the project rather than the detail of the engineering design solution. While carrying out this activity, you also consider the duties and responsibilities of a professional engineer working in our society.
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Mass and Energy Balance

Mass and Energy Balance / 1007ODL-N



You focus on the concepts of laws of conservation of mass and energy through a process, a sound strategy for setting up and solving mass and energy balance problems related to chemical processes, the use of steam tables for solving energy balance problems and the concepts of recycles and purges.
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Mass Transfer Operations

Mass Transfer Operations / 2009ODL-N



This module enables the student to develop an understanding of basic theories of mass transfer and phase equilibria and to be able to specify and design equipment for mass transfer operations such as distillation, gas absorption, liquid extraction and leaching processes.
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Materials Engineering

Materials Engineering / 1003ODL-N



We provide you with basic background knowledge and understanding of the properties, selection, processing, applications and utilisation of engineering materials.
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Measurement of Process Variables

Measurement of Process Variables / 1002ODL-N



You investigate the principles of measurement of pressure, flow, temperature and level and to describe and assess the performance of the associated measuring systems and instruments.
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Mechanical Principles

Mechanical Principles / 1001ODL-N



You explore a range of mechanical principles which underpin the design and operation of mechanical engineering systems. This includes aspects related to loading of structures and mechanics of machines. We give a firm foundation for work in engineering design and a basis for more advanced study.
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Microprocessors Systems

Microprocessor Systems / 1000ODL-N



We give you an understanding of microprocessor-based systems and their use in instrumentation/control/communication systems. You study the practical aspects of device selection, programming and the interfacing of external peripheral devices. We also introduce you to the development cycle of specification, design, build, program, test and evaluation.
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Operational Amplifiers

Operational Amplifiers / 2008ODL-N



The operational amplifier is the most widely used analogue integrated circuit. This module investigates and develops an understanding of the applications of this versatile integrated circuit. The module provides design examples that can be emulated by computer circuit simulation software.
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Petroelum Processing Engineering

Petroleum Processing Engineering / 2019ODL-N



This module applies physical principles and engineering techniques to evaluate the properties of the underground formation which will help to establish the existence of oil and gas beneath the earth’s surface. The module looks at how different properties affect production in oil and gas wells, and explains the technologies used for drilling, well completion and testing, and operation and control for the extraction of the reservoir fluids.
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Petroleum Production Engineering / 1027ODL-N



This module applies physical principles and engineering techniques to evaluate the properties of the underground formation which will help to establish the existence of oil and gas beneath the earth’s surface. The module looks at how different properties affect production in oil and gas wells, and explains the technologies used for drilling, well completion and testing, and operation and control for the extraction of the reservoir fluids.
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Petroelum Processing Engineering

Petroleum Refinery Engineering / 2018ODL-N



This module covers in detail the refinery processes, systems and equipment pertinent to turn crude oil into fuels and for other products by separation, conversion and treatment. The application and operating principles for distillation, cracking, treating and blending are covered in detail.
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Plant Services

Plant Services / 2005ODL-N



This module introduces the relevant physical and chemical principles for use in the evaluation of the production, distribution and use of each of the common plant services such as steam, air and refrigeration services.
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Advanced Control Systems

Professional Engineering Management / 2006ODL-N



Whilst it is essential that a product or service designed by an engineer delivers the performance required in the specification, it is equally important that it contributes to the economic viability of the company and that all aspects of its life cycle are managed in a professional manner. The aim of this module is to allow the student to explore how a product or service is designed and supported from a business perspective. Students will also learn how to adopt the Engineering Council’s preferred approach to their development as a professional engineer working in industry
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Programmable Logic Controllers

Programmable Logic Controllers / 1023ODL-N



You investigate how Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and industrial robots can be programmed to successfully implement automated engineering solutions. You also explore PLC system operational characteristics, different types of programming languages, types of robots and cell safety features. On successful completion you are able to program PLCs and robotic manipulators to achieve a set task, describe the types and uses of PLCs and robots available, write simple PLC programs, and program industrial robots with straightforward commands and safety factors.
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Project (HND only 30 Credits) / 2004ODL-N



This module presents the opportunity for students to use the knowledge and skills they have developed at work and in their programme of studies, in the definition, management and completion of a work-related project, including the presentation of its findings to an appropriate audience. The module thereby aims to integrate the skills and knowledge developed in other modules of the course within a major piece of work that reflects the type of performance expected of a higher technician at work. Students may chose a research based rather than work based topic for their project if they wish.
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Safety Engineering

Safety Engineering / 2003ODL-N



This module covers the fundamentals of contemporary Safety Engineering as applied to industrial processes. It consists of an introduction to the terminology, the nature and treatment of hazards, hazard analysis, risk assessment, emergency procedures and the application of protective measures associated with various hazards. The main aims of the module are to provide a firm foundation for work in Safety Engineering and to act a basis for more advanced studies of safety practices.
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Statistical Process Control

Statistical Process Control / 2002ODL-N



In this module students are provided with the knowledge behind and an understanding of Statistical Process Control (SPC). The relationship between SPC and Quality Control, advantages and limitations of SPC as a Quality Control tool and essential factors in the introduction of SPC are all included. Students will use suitable software packages and a variety of industry standard tools such as tally charts and Pareto Analysis. The module concludes with an overview of Six Sigma.

This is a distance learning module with all learning material being accessed via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

The module has 2 coursework assessments. Following completion of all assessment, a module completion interview may be conducted to confirm student learning.
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Sustainable Electrical Energy Supply

Sustainable Electrical Energy Supply / 2001ODL-N



This unit presents a wide-ranging introduction to the field of existing and renewable energy systems. There are many alternative sources of energy (some ‘green’) which can be converted to an electrical form, providing energy for transport, heat/cooling and lighting, as well as energy for various industrial processes and applications.
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Combinational and sequential logic

Combinational and Sequential Logic / 2014ODL-N



This module develops the theory of digital techniques, to more practical and complex applications of both combinational and sequential logic. Students will design and test circuits choosing appropriate components using information from manufacturers data sheets.
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Renewable Energy / 1028ODL-N

Renewable Energy / 1028ODL-N



The aim of this module is to introduce students to renewable energy resources and technologies, including current storage and generation technologies, and explore their advantages and limitations.
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