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MSc Human Factors and Patient Safety

MSc Human Factors and Patient Safety

Advanced Human Factors (20 credits) / SIH4058-N / TU Online

Advanced Human Factors (20 credits) / SIH4058-N / TU Online


This module is designed to build upon the previous Human Factors module to further develop your knowledge and skills around Human Factors. The application of theory, data and design methods to your own working practice will be a key component.

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

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Developing Research Projects (20 credits) / RMH4066-N / TU Online

Developing Research Projects (20 credits) / RMH4066-N / TU Online


This module is designed to enable you to design and manage a primary or secondary research, audit or evaluation project that is relevant to your practice. The module provides a preparation for the dissertation for you. You will develop skills in project design and management; primary and secondary research methods; audit and evaluation methods. The module will also cover research governance and ethics and prepare students for applying for ethical approval/release. Discussion and group will be facilitated through the blog and discussion board tools in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

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Dissertation: Applying Human Factors to Practice (60 credits) / SIH4059-N / TU Online

Dissertation: Applying Human Factors to Practice (60 credits) / SIH4059-N / TU Online


This module is designed as the end-of-course dissertation module, and will be assessed with an independent research project and a 30-minute professional discussion (100%). The human factors discussion is to assess students' reflection on their own knowledge base but also to highlight and assess their ability to consider learning after the programme. The module is aimed at students undertaking an MSc in a health or social care field and is aimed at enabling students to consolidate and further develop their skills and knowledge gained during previous modules. Students will also be required to develop their research-related knowledge to identify a researchable problem, plan and execute a study. Students can utilise a range of different methodologies for their study, such as quantitative, qualitative or systematic review.

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

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Human Factors (20 credits) / SIH4057-N / TU Online

Human Factors (20 credits) / SIH4057-N / TU Online


This module is designed for healthcare staff to introduce human factors science and ergonomics.

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

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Leadership Culture and Context (20 credits) / SIH4049-N / TU Online

Leadership Culture and Context (20 credits) / SIH4049-N / TU Online


This module is designed to introduce students to concepts associated with leading health care in a wide range of organisational contexts. This module considers the nature of working across public and private sector organisations and explores organisational performance and runs over one semester.

Students will be facilitated to develop skills required to make the transition to studying at M level. Assessment of organisational performance will be explored and the impact of different leadership strategies on influencing organisational and team culture will be reviewed. Students will engage with policy and legislative frameworks relevant to organisational culture, the role of monitoring organisational performance will be explored.

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

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Legal and Ethical Influences in Leadership (20 credits) / SIH4050-N / TU Online

Legal and Ethical Influences in Leadership (20 credits) / SIH4050-N / TU Online


The aim of this module is to enable you to develop a comprehensive and critical understanding of knowledge pertaining to legal and ethical aspects of leadership. Key theory related to Safeguarding, Liability; Governance; Due Diligence; and Whistle-blowing will be addressed. Student learning is supported through learning and teaching strategies using virtual key lectures and tutorials.

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

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The Principles and Practice of Patient Safety (20 credits) / SIH4056-N / TU Online

The Principles and Practice of Patient Safety (20 credits) / SIH4056-N / TU Online


The module is relevant for staff who have responsibility for patient safety, quality or governance. The module will be delivered by distance learning and
considers the wide aspects of governance and how this can be influenced for enhanced patient safety, quality care and continual improvement.
Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023
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