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Leadership Culture and Context (20 credits) / SIH4049-N / TU Online

Leadership Culture and Context (20 credits) / SIH4049-N / TU Online


This module is designed to introduce students to concepts associated with leading health care in a wide range of organisational contexts. This module considers the nature of working across public and private sector organisations and explores organisational performance and runs over one semester.

Students will be facilitated to develop skills required to make the transition to studying at M level. Assessment of organisational performance will be explored and the impact of different leadership strategies on influencing organisational and team culture will be reviewed. Students will engage with policy and legislative frameworks relevant to organisational culture, the role of monitoring organisational performance will be explored.

Pricing options:
Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023
2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023

Pre 2023/4