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Sustainable Procurement


Event Information

Sustainable Procurement
Date of Event
4th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
28th March 2025


For most organisations in the built environment, 80% of their spend is with the supply chain and procurement is a key player in this process. Subsequently, sustainable procurement is a critical part of supplier policies and strategies, which is often reflected in tendering processes. Many industries including NHS are already suffering the negative consequences of climate change. It is not hard to predict that environmental catastrophes will keep upsetting the world’s supply networks and obstruct access to food, healthcare, and energy if organizations do not employ sustainable procurement in their business operations. Embedding sustainability and support for climate emergency action in all purchasing decisions and working towards a net zero carbon supply chain are integral components of NHS's vision for the future.​

Attendee CategoryCost   
Delegate£250.00[Read More]