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Car Parking for Residential Students - March to August

Parkside Halls



Car Parking permits are available to all resident students in University owned accommodation. Permits are subject to availability and are allocated on a first come first served basis. All Resident Student parking is at East Parkside Village. The annual charge for a permit is currently £264.00 to be paid in full on application.

Students wishing to park in any other University car park will need to use either the Pay & Display or Park & Ride facility.
Proof of payment along with a valid TUSC should then be taken to the Security Control Room (ground floor of Library) for Processing and Resident Student Permit issue.

Students who rent private accommodation in a residential parking zone may apply to the Council for permits to park vehicles in the streets where they live. Advice on the application process is available from Middlesbrough Council (Tel: 01642 726003)