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Diploma Supplement

Diploma Supplement


The diploma supplement is a 5 or 6 page document which includes a full academic transcript and is sealed with the Teesside University embossed seal. This internationally recognised document provides more details of the qualification achieved and is in an agreed European format. The diploma supplement also includes a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies you have successfully completed.

Please note diploma supplements can only be produced:-
• for awards made from 2007 onwards
• if you have achieved your intended award
• if your intended award is at least 120 credits.

We can also at request provide module descriptors for your course, please state on the “additional information” section that you would like these as well as your Diploma Supplement.

If you are not eligible for a diploma supplement or if you are unsure about this or just want your module descriptors, please contact records@tees.ac.uk

To send a diploma supplement to a third party, click here to pay additional fee.

Collect = Collection from Student Life Building
Royal Mail = Posted via standard Royal Mail service



Royal Mail
