| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click here DescriptionThis module is designed for radiographers and technologists who primarily work in the paediatric setting or who want to specialise further in forensic imaging of paediatrics. You will learn about the investigation of infant deaths, suspected physical abuse, imaging modalities utilised for suspected physical abuse of paediatrics, injuries indicative of suspected physical abuse, standards of imaging of suspected physical abuse, techniques for imaging paediatrics, post-mortem imaging of paediatrics, differential diagnoses, and image interpretation.
You will be aspiring and creative in developing your skills and techniques to image deceased and living paediatrics, adaptable and confident in applying imaging skills and knowledge to the paediatric forensic imaging environment, and articulate, confident, and critical in identifying suspected physical abuse, and in presenting aspects of paediatric forensic imaging to specialist and non-specialist audiences. Pricing options: Pre 2023/4 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2023 2023/4+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2023 |