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Interactive Visualisation (20 credits) / CIS4014-N(MScADS) / TU Online

Online Learning



Dynamic, interactive visualisations enable the reader to explore the data for themselves through a variety of perspectives. Static visualisations are excellent for print medium but are restricted to showing a single perspective and do not handle multidimensional datasets well. Using an interactive graphic the reader can zoom in on sections of the data which are of interest, explore more than one dimension at a time, and sort and filter to discover new patterns and themes within the data. Particularly useful is the ability to provide a macro/micro view of the same data, ie a big picture view of the full dataset from which the reader can then ‘drill down’ into the lower level detail.

This module uses the javascript library for Data-Driven Documents (D3js) for creating animated, dynamic graphics for the web, and looks at other alternatives available.