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Creative Writing and Wellbeing Project (60 credits) / ELL4038-N / TU Online

Creative Writing and Wellbeing Project (60 credits) / ELL4038-N / TU Online


This project draws together the learning and development you have gained throughout the course. You complete this independent research project under the supervision of your tutor. With regular guidance and support you develop an initial project proposal outlining your key aims and objectives, and work this into either: a final portfolio of creative writing (in any form or genre), of publishable standard plus accompanying reflective and critical analysis of your work; or a piece of action research. This forms your final submission for the master’s award.

Pricing options:
Pre 2024/5 - this is for students who commenced their studies before 1 September 2024
2024/5+ - this is for students who commenced or are commencing their studies after 1 September 2024

Pre 2024/5