| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click here DescriptionGain an overview of Britain and Europe from 1870 to the present. Take a chronological approach, from the unification of Germany and Italy, through to two world wars, the Cold War and the European Union. Within the British political history strand of the module, you investigate colonialism, the impact of two world wars on British politics and society, the implications of the introduction of the welfare state and Keynesian economic policies during the consensus period, and the shift towards neo-liberal forms of governance and politics in the late twentieth century and beyond. Within the European political history strand of the module, the chronological approach is shared, but you investigate these years with a more international, European focus. Beginning with a study of the major unifications in 1870, the strand investigates, WW1, the emergence of authoritarian and totalitarian dictatorships in interwar Europe, WW2, the Cold War, and post-Cold war military and economic integration. |