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Exploring Global Strategy (20 credits) / CSE4052-N / TU Online

Online Learning



As the global business environment becomes ever more complex and volatile, there is a need for organisations of all shapes and sizes to think and act more entrepreneurially and creatively in order to be able to change and adapt to the myriad of exogenous factors that enter an organisation's radar on a frequent basis. This interdisciplinary module will provide you with an understanding of the internal and external factors that impact strategic decision making. You will be introduced to a variety of strategic theories, tools and concepts, but all in the context of the external environment and its impact on strategic challenges and choices. You will be exposed to a variety of academic, practical material and financial data that you can apply to your own organisations, or a live case organisation in order to appreciate the importance of developing and implementing innovative strategic plans for the success of the organisation, its key stakeholders and society more broadly.